Matthew J. Holland

Osaka midori no hyaku-sen (1-10)

1. 大阪城公園

Date of photo: 2022/02

This one is easy, right beside the pond in the Japanese garden within the honmaru, in sight of the castle museum (the rebuilt tenshukaku).

2. 口縄坂

Date of photo: 2022/02

There are numerous slopes in this area, seven being particularly well known, with one of these being the kuchinawazaka. While there is a nice stone monument at the bottom of the hill facing the street (matsuyamachi-suji), unfortunately there is no M100 stone.

3. 毛馬桜の宮公園と造幣局の通り抜け

Date of photo: 2021/02

This one is right nearby the ramp leading up to the kawasaki-bashi bridge, from the north/west side of the river.

4. 城北公園の菖蒲園

Date of photo: 2023/06

This one is a bit tricky in that while the park is open all year, the shoubu-en garden is only open while the flowers are in bloom, usually between May and June. The M100 stone is in beautiful shape, right in the middle of the garden. It also has an interesting circular mark to the left of the name on the stone; I don't think any of the other M100 stones have this.

5. 住吉大社と太鼓橋

Date of photo: 2022/07

One of the most famous and important shrines in Osaka. Facing the taiko-bashi bridge (also known as sori-hashi) from the west side, the M100 is a short distance to the right, if my memory serves.

6. 泉光園

Date of photo: 2021/12

The garden called senkoen is located within the grounds of the Izuo church of konko-kyo, a rather large religious group that I know almost nothing about. It was easy to locate the M100 stone going in the main south entrance, but it felt rather awkward going in there, and we were not particularly inclined to explore the park much further.

7. 鶴見緑地

Date of photo: 2020/08

No M100 stone here, unfortunately, but a fantastic park.

8. 長居公園

Date of photo: 2022/07

This park is huge, so it took a while to find the stone, but it is located in a perfectly natural spot, very close to the main southwest entrance. When we visited, there was construction going on, so I had to hop a few barriers to get a close-up photo.

9. 中之島公園

Date of photo: 2022/02

I have probably visited this park more than any other in Osaka, but had never noticed the M100 stone. The location should be clear from the photo.

10. 御堂筋のいちょう並木

Date of photo: 2022/02

This is the main street of Osaka, a location I have visited more times than I can count. Unfortunately, there is no M100 stone on mido-suji.