Osaka midori no hyaku-sen (31-40)
31. 佐田天神宮の森
Date of photo: 2022/04
As one of the most famous shrines in the area, finding this M100 stone is easy. A lovely garden, and lots of history in and around the shrine.
32. 桃町緑道
Date of photo: 2022/04
A narrow but scenic park planted right in the middle of Moriguchi city. We walked through the park starting from the end closest to the Yodo river, but the M100 stone is near the entrance to the park closest to the train station.
33. 樟葉交野天神社の森
Date of photo: 2022/07
The northern edge of Hirakata city has lots of greenery, and this shrine is no exception. The shrine itself is very well-maintained, and the walk here through a quiet residential area was enjoyable. Finding the M100 stone near the entrance is easy.
34. 久宝寺緑地
Date of photo: 2022/10
This park is huge, lots of fun to walk/run around and play in. Another one of the "big four" parks of Osaka prefecture. The M100 stone is along the main running route within the park, not far from the southern entrance to the northern segment of the park.
35. 玉串川の桜
Date of photo: 2022/10
The walk along this river is really pleasant. Starting from the south and working your way north, walking along the west bank of the river, it shouldn't be too hard to find the M100 stone. If I recall correctly, it was in front of the elementary school (Yamamoto).
36. 萱島駅の大楠
Date of photo: 2022/08
The big tree is impossible to miss, and the M100 stone is almost as easy; it's right beside the shrine outside the south side of the station.
37. 幹線用水路の桜
Date of photo: 2022/08
This one was a bit tricky; I cannot recall how we managed to find it the first time. It probably would have been easier if the flowers were in bloom, but in any case, the M100 stone is on the west side of the canal, along route 149, just a few paces west of the bridge called 絶間橋 (read as taima-bashi).
38. 飯盛山と四条畷神社
Date of photo: 2022/07
This mountain and shrine have a very rich history, which I'd like to learn more about in the future. I've heard that the name of the city (四條畷市) comes from this shrine. In any case, the M100 stone is right nearby the main set of stairs near the entrance to the shrine.
39. 野崎観音の緑
Date of photo: 2022/07
A beautiful shrine, easily accessible after a short climb.
40. 高尾山山麓の森
Date of photo: 2023/03
This one requires a bit of effort. While in principle it may be possible to access the M100 stone by car or bus, I think the most natural route is to just hike up to it. We climbed up through the entrance via the shrine called 鐸比古鐸比賣神社 (nudehiko-nudehime-jinja), quite the mouthful. The M100 stone is located up at one of the main viewpoints along the many hiking trails on this mountain, with the apt name of 見晴らし広場.