Matthew J. Holland

Osaka midori no hyaku-sen (71-80)

71. 金剛山

Date of photo: 2024/10

This was the final M100 required for completion. It took about two years. I had been to the top of this mountain a few years earlier in the winter and it was quite snowy, very cold at the top. Much nicer on the day the above photo was taken. Unfortunately, the ropeway has been shut down and is being demolished, as is the recreational facility 香楠荘. It is in front of this facility where the M100 stone was, but as you can see from the above photo, it is being demolished, and the stone had been tossed away in a pile of rubble and splinters. Perhaps the stone will be moved to a new location in the future, but I think I may end up being the last M100 enthusiast to see this stone in one piece.

72. 千早城址

Date of photo: 2024/01

This one is easy. Drive or take a bus up to 千早赤阪村. There are plenty of maps leading you to the ruins of this castle. The M100 stone is at the bottom of the stairs just off route 705. There is a public toilet and a few shops within walking distance. I've had a plate of noodles at the nearest shop to the stairs.

73. 舟渡池公園

Date of photo: 2023/01

This one is easy to find. The stone is right in the middle of the park. We really enjoyed walking in and around the park. Some nice waterfowl, plus good play equipment for kids. A fair number of parking spots, but the park was surprisingly crowded when we went.

74. 浅香山浄水場のつつじ

Date of photo: 2022/10

This one was rather tricky to find, for reasons which should be obvious from the photo above. The M100 stone, while in absolutely beautiful condition, was hidden in dense grass which was in severe need of a cut. Just start walking from 浅香山公園, northwest along the river, and you'll come across the stone in no time on your left side. The grass was cut the next time we visited this spot.

75. 大泉緑地

Date of photo: 2022/10

Another of the "big 4" public parks of Osaka prefecture, really a great spot. The M100 stone is not too far from the west entrance to the park.

76. 大仙公園と仁徳天皇陵

Date of photo: 2022/08

Another fantastic park, not to mention the famous "tumulus" to the northeast. I always find a lot of wild birds to watch when visiting this spot. Far more than you would expect for such a popular park. The M100 stone is near the central entrance on the northeast side of the park, facing route 197.

77. 浜寺公園

Date of photo: 2022/10

It is unreal how many fantastic parks are in and around the Sakai area. This is another top-tier park, both for fun with kids, running around, and historical significance. The M100 stone is easy to find, essentially right where you would hope it would be. Head in the "main" entrance across the street from the Hankai station, and walk towards the big fountain. You should spot it on your right side.

78. 美多弥神社のシリブカガシの森

Date of photo: 2022/11

A very nice shrine. We just parked in front of the shrine, there is a great parking lot. You can't miss the M100 stone heading in the main entrance from the parking lot. We also had a lot of fun exploring the surrounding neighborhood.

79. 和泉葛城山のブナ林

Date of photo: 2023/12

This was one of the most difficult M100 stone to find. The location seems somewhat arbitrary, truly in the middle of nowhere, albeit along a well-maintained hiking path taking one through the titular ブナ林.

80. 意賀美神社と雨降の滝

Date of photo: 2023/03

This one is a pretty well-known shrine, easy to locate. We parked at 道の駅 愛彩ランド, and walked over. The M100 stone is right in front of the entrance off the road, route 39 (岸和田港塔原線).